Make It More Than a Wish...

I know you’ve heard it before and it sounds cliché, but the fact of the matter is that failure to plan is, in fact, planning to fail.  Take for instance a New Year’s resolution to get fit.  As good as our intentions are if we don’t devise a plan to accomplish our goals, it’s highly unlikely that we’ll make any long term progress.

All is not lost, though.  In our age of technological advance we have more than enough tools at our disposal to help us develop a plan and even keep our plans on course.  There are countless apps, books, websites, and professionals (I’ll share my favorites in a bit) that we can turn to for help creating and staying on our plans.  So what’s the key component to making this happen?  YOU are.  You have to commit to making your goal more than a dream.  You have to take action to set those goals in motion.  You have to more than just wish for it, you need to ache for it!

If you’ve got the ache, here are a few tools that will help you accomplish your mission:
  1. Siri (On iOS platform) .  Siri isn’t just for lonely guys.  If you set up your Reminders properly, you can use her as a virtual assistant to remind you to complete specific tasks at specific times. (Step by step instructions here)
  2. PUSH: 30 Days to Turbocharged Habits, a Bangin' Body, and the Life You Deserve!  This gem, authored by Chalene Johnson, is FULL of tips and wisdom to not only get your goals documented, but prioritized, and accomplished.  As an added bonus, it includes healthy recipes as well.
  3. Create specific tasks; assign them to yourself or others; follow up, comment and tag.  There's even an app to keep on task by phone. Learn the basics here.
  4. ME!  I'm here to help with your health and fitness goals as your coach.  And not only would you get me, but you'd also get access to my amazing Elevation Nation community.  Just click the "Become A Member of The Elevation Nation" tab above to sign up for free!
So, now the ball is in your court.  Make it more than a wish.  Go for it!