Awwwwwww Snizzap! Momma's Gonna Get Some New Moves!!!

Let me just tell you, I LOVE to dance.  Not that I'm the best dancer in the world, I just find it impossible to keep still when music comes on.

Given that fact, I tend to gravitate to dance based fitness or choreographed moves.  Yes, I'm that step-aerobic-loving, Jazzercise-smiling, Zumba-crumping, TurboKick-jumping chick that the rhythmically challenged can't stand (Hi, haters!).  So imagine my complete and utter joy when it was announced that Shaun T has a new dance based program coming out...

Yaaaaaaaassssssssss, Hunty!  I'm going to be all over that on its release day.  And you KNOW I'll be leading a virtual fit clique so we can get our groove back together.

Wanna make sure you get the scoop on the release date and all the program details? Click that tab above that says "Become A Member of The Elevation Nation".  Not only will you be notified of the latest and greatest, twice a month, but you'll get free clean recipes, be eligible for sweet giveaways, and you'll be added to my exclusive Facebook group for free meal plans and group support.  So, click that tab, create your profile, and share with a friend (even if they dance like Elaine).  Just don't get left behind...