Sometimes You Just Want A List

Here in my neck of the woods school is starting again.  While some of my mom friends are breathing a sigh of relief, some of us are in a bit of a panick. Those lackadaisical days of summer are gone and now everything must be done around the almighty school schedule.  While it may seem like a trivial thing, this change in routine can wreak havoc on your eating habits.  Where you used to have time to meander are pick as you go, you now find you need to have a plan to keep yourself out of the drive-through.  Too many options and not enough time can lead some to dietary disaster... But not for you!
You, my friend, have a list!  You have an ally to help you achieve nutritional victory.  Yes, I'm being a bit dramatic, but I promise you, getting a handle of this area of your life can make your life so much easier.  So enjoy the list. Print it, and pass it to a friend.  She'll thank you.  ;)

Want to download and print? Click here.